September 9, 2016
NCTracks Newsletter
* Reminder of Change in Processing of Accounts Receivable<>
* Issues List Updated on Provider Portal<>
* Reminder: Provider Training in September 2016<>
Reminder of Change in Processing of Accounts Receivable[]
Previously, recoupment of system-generated Accounts Receivable (AR) began 30 days after the AR was established. As of May 1, 2016, recoupment of a system-generated AR begins with the subsequent checkwrite after the system-generated AR has been established.
An AR is created in NCTracks when a provider does not have sufficient paid claims in the current checkwrite to satisfy a recoupment of funds, often related to claims reprocessing. Waiting 30 days to begin recoupment of the AR meant that the provider was then subject to penalties and interest, based on State business rules. Commencing the recoupment of the AR in the next checkwrite helps providers avoid incurring penalties and interest.
When an AR is created, a new letter is generated to inform a provider’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) that money is owed to a N.C. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) payer. N.C. DHHS payers include the Division of Medical Assistance (DMA), Division of Mental Health (DMH), Division of Public Health (DPH), and the Office of Rural Health (ORH). The new letter is titled “Notice of Balance Due the NC DHHS – First Demand.” A separate First Demand Letter is sent for each payer that is owed money. The First Demand Letter provides information regarding the potential for assessment of penalty and interest and instructions for repayment if the provider does not want to wait on recoupments by NCTracks.
Important Note: For providers who share an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), NCTracks will automatically seek to recoup the AR from other NPIs with the same IRS TIN if funds are insufficient to completely collect the amount(s) due from the NPI for which the AR was created. The First Demand Letter is sent to all providers who share the same IRS TIN.
If the AR is not satisfied within 30 days, a 30 Days Past Due Letter will be sent to the provider. The 30 Days Past Due Letter is sent only to the provider for whom the AR was established, not to any other providers who share the same IRS TIN. The 30 Days Past Due Letter includes the penalty and interest owed on the AR.
If the AR is not satisfied within 60 days, payment to the NPI for which the AR was established, as well as all other NPIs associated with the same IRS TIN, will be suspended. A 60 Days Past Due Letter will be sent only to the provider for whom the AR was established, not to any other providers who share the same IRS TIN. Providers are responsible for repaying the NC DHHS payer even if they are no longer filing claims to NCTracks.
Examples of the 30 and 60 Days Past Due Letters can be found on the Provider Policies, Manuals, Guidelines and Forms webpage<> of the NCTracks Provider Portal. (The 30 and 60 Days Past Due
Letters are not new, but the verbiage has changed.) A list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding the Accounts Receivable process can be found on the FAQ page<>.
Issues List Updated on Provider Portal[]
The NCTracks Issues List has been updated. The most recent version of the list can be found under Quick Links on the NCTracks Provider Portal Home Page<>. The list includes a brief explanation of the issue, the type(s) of providers affected, the status of the issue, comments/resolution of the issue, and the date the issue was resolved. The list is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, which can be sorted, filtered, or searched to find the items of most interest. The list is not intended to include every issue, but rather the prevalent ones impacting multiple providers. Issues are added and updated regularly. Providers are encouraged to check the list before contacting the Call Center, in case it may be a known issue.
Reminder: Provider Training in September 2016[]
This is a reminder that there are several instructor-led training courses for providers that are being held in September 2016. The duration varies depending on the course. For details on all of the courses, the dates and times they are being offered, and instructions for how to enroll, see the August 19 announcement<>.
Thank you,
The NCTracks Team